There is unexpected sun today
in London, and the clouds that
most days sift into this cage
where I am working have dispersed.
I am a black cutout against
a captive blue sky, pivoting
nude so the paying audience
can view my naked buttocks.
I am called “Venus Hottentot.”
I left Capetown with a promise
of revenue: half the profit
sand my passage home: A boon!
Master’s brother proposed the trip;
the magistrate granted me leave.
I would return to my family
a duchess, with watered-silk
Élizabeth Alexander.The venus Hottentot
De la poésie à Washington...
Une poétesse et un Praise of the day à la Maison-Blanche
Un jour historique
Un rêve qui ouvre la route à de fabuleux dialogues de poètes
1. Illustration: Bob Adelman.
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